Primo 100
Primbolin 100 Injection is a dihydrotestosterone based anabolic steroid
consisting of Methenolone Enanthate. lt is an ester derivative of methenolone and when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme, it does not form any estrogens. lt is used by people who are very susceptible to estrogenic side effects, having lower etrogenic properties than nandrolone. It is an enanthate ester which is quite long-acting because it by-passes hepatic breakdown on the first pass and ! has a higher surival rate. Methenolone is not 17-alpha-alkylated this reduces the stress on the liver, but also the avaiabilitylt is considered one of the safter steroids, meaning it has few side effects.Methenolone has no estrogenic side effects, and its effects on cholesterol levels are minimal. it is possibly one of the safer anabolic steroids for females due to very low virilization effects inshort-term usage.